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The MDPI Drones Special Issue on “Drones for Participatory and Community-Based Sciences” is a call for scholarly contributions aimed at exploring the expanding role of low-cost drones in community-based engagement and participatory initiatives. Led by Guest Editors Dr. Timothy L. Hawthorne, Dr. Bo Yang, Dr. Karen Joyce, and Dr. Stephanie R. Rogers, this special issue endeavors to amalgamate diverse research efforts and insights from a global pool of scholars, focusing on the utilization of drones beyond traditional academic and policy-making spheres.

The call invites submissions highlighting the broadening scope of drone applications, encompassing participatory mapping, citizen/community sciences, education models, ethical considerations, and integrating drones into diverse methodologies. This initiative aims to bring together a diverse community of scholars to address the challenges and opportunities in utilizing drones for community engagement, particularly among underrepresented populations in STEM fields.

Building upon previous research and a seminal 2019 article on the emergence of community drones, this special issue strives to foster discussions, theories, and practical applications across various disciplines and geographies. The editors are keen to feature articles that center on diverse perspectives and teams, emphasizing inclusivity and the involvement of stakeholders from diverse backgrounds.

Manuscripts are encouraged to explore conceptual, theoretical, methodological, or practical aspects related to community-based and participatory drone uses. The submissions, subject to peer review, will be continuously published upon acceptance. The Special Issue website aims to collate these contributions, further enriching the discourse on the role of drones in community-driven science.

Authors are encouraged to submit original research, reviews, or short communications aligned with the outlined themes and submit them through the journal’s online submission system. Submitted manuscripts should adhere to the journal’s guidelines and should not be under consideration for publication elsewhere.

This initiative serves as a platform to synthesize global research and promote discussions on leveraging drones for participatory and community-based sciences, providing a diverse and inclusive space for scholarly contributions.

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